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- Cristiano Fidani -

Operative since 2006, the Central Italy Electromagnetic Network has contributed to the evidence of some phenomena that occur with strong earthquakes and has suggested some hypotheses. The investigation of the low frequency electric and magnetic fields took advantage of the easy availability of analog and digital electronic waste materials, and thanks to

the trust of many friends.



The spherical charge distribution is investigated for the electric oscillations and some EQLs. In this physical model, the pressure is balanced by the electrical force which is an oscillating system.



The causality of the process, the probability of earthquake forecasting, and false alarms are calculated by means of the correlation between electron losses and strong earthquakes.



A system of earth distributed currents in real geological structures describes the measured magnetic intensities.



Detector limits are defined and self-built detectors have been validated.


Key publications


Galli I., Raccolta e classificazione dei fenomeni luminosi osservati nei terremoti, Boll. della Soc. 

  Italiana 14, 221, 1910

Terada T., On luminous phenomena accompanying earthquakes, Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst. Univ.

  Tokyo 9, 225-255, 1931

Derr J.S., Earthquake lights: a review of observations and present theories, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am.

  63 (6), 2177, 1973

Theriault R., St-Laurent F., Freund F., Derr J.S., Prevalence of Earthquake Lights Associated with

  Rift Environments, Seismological Research Letters 85(1), 159-178, 2014

Animal Behavior

Taramelli T., Mercalli G., Il terremoto ligure del febbraio 1887. In Annali dell’ufficio centrale di
  meteorologia e geodinamica
, Tipografia Metastasio: Roma, Italy, Vol 8, 1888

Tributsch H., When the Snakes Awake: Animals and Earthquake Prediction, MIT Press:
  Cambridge, MA, USA, 1982

Ikeya M., Earthquakes and animals, from folk legends to science, World Scientific Publishing, 

  Singapore, 2004

Wang K., Chen Q.F., Sun S., Wang A., Predicting the 1975 Haicheng Earthquake, Bull. Seismol. 

  Soc. Am. 96, 757–795, 2006

Grant R.A., Halliday T., Predicting the unpredictable: Evidence of pre-seismic anticipatory
  behaviour in the common toad, J. Zool. 281, 263–271, 2010

Ionospheric changes

Davies, K., Baker, D.M., Ionospheric effects observed around the time of the Alaskan earthquake

  of March 28. J. Geophys. Res. 70, 2251–2253, 1965

Calais E., Minster J.B., GPS detection of ionospheric perturbations following the January 17, 1994,

  Northridge Earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett. 22, 9, 1045-1048, 1995

Pulinets S.A., Seismic activity as a source of the ionospheric variability, Adv. Space Res. 22, 6,

  903, 1998

Pulinets S.A., Ouzounov D., Lithosphere–Atmosphere–Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) model – An

  unified concept for earthquake precursors validation, J. of Asian Earth Sci. 41, 371–382, 2011

Telluric Currents

Serpieri A., Nuove osservazioni sul terremoto avvenuto in Italia il 12 marzo 1873 e riflessioni sul 

  presentimento degli animali per i terremoti, Rendiconti del R. Istituto lombardo, 6, 25–33, 1873

Eomoto Y., Hashimoto H., Emission of charged particles form indentation fracture of rocks,

  Nature 346, 641-643, 1990

Bernard P., Plausiblity of long distance electrotelluric precursors of earthquakes, J. Geophys. Res.

  97, 17,531-17,546, 1992
Freund F., Time-resolved study of charge generation and propagation in igneous rocks, J.

  Geophys. Res.105, 11,001-11,019, 2000

Electric observations

Varotsos P., Alexopoulos K., Physical properties of the variations of the electric field of the earth

  preceding earthquakes, I and II, Tectonophysics 110, 73-125, 1984

Grimalsky V.V., Hayakawa M., Ivchenko V.N., Rapoport YG., Zadorozhnni V.I., Penetration of an

  electrostatic field from the lithosphere into the ionosphere and its effect on the D-region before

  earthquakes. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys. 65, 391-407, 2003

Kamogawa M., Liu J.-Y., Fujiwara H., Chuo Y.-J., Tsai Y.-B., Hattori K., Nagao T., Uyeda S., Ohtsuki 

  Y.-H., Atmospheric Field Variations before the March 31, 2002 M6.8 Earthquake in Taiwan, TAO 15,

  3, 397-412, 2004

Fan Y., Du X., An Z., Liu J., Tan D., Chen J., Earthquake-related Electric Field Changes Observed in

  the Ionosphere and Ground, Acta Geophysica 63, 3, 2015

Magnetic observations

Johnston M.J.S., Review of electric and magnetic fields accompanying seismic and volcanic

  activity, Survey Geophysic 18, 441–475, 1997

Uyeda S., Nagao T., Kamogawa M., Short-term earthquake prediction: Current status of

  seismo-electromagnetics, Tectonophysics 470, 205-213, 2009

Scoville J., Heraud J., Freund F., Pre-earthquake magnetic pulses, NHESS 15,1873-1880, 2015

Kappler K.N., Schneider D.D., MacLean L.S., Bleier T.E., Lemon J.J., An algorithmic  framework for

  investigating the temporal relationship of magnetic field pulses and earthquakes  applied to

  California, Computers & Geosciences 133, 104317, 2019

Propagation observations

Molchanov O.A., Hayakawa M., Subionospheric VLF signal perturbations possibly related to

  earthquakes, J. Geophys. Res. 103, 17,489–17,504, 1998

Clilverd M.A., Rodger R.J., Thomson N.R., Investigating seismoionospheric effects on a long

  subionospheric path, J. Geophy. Res. 104, A12, 28171, 1999

Biagi P.F., Ermini A., Kingsley S.P., Disturbances in LF radio signals and the Umbria-Marche seismic

  sequence in 1997-1998, Phys. Chem. Earth (C) 26, 10-12, 755, 2001

Moriya T., Mogi T., Takada M., Anomalous pre-seismic transmission of VHF-band radio waves

  resulting from large earthquakes, and its statistical relationship to magnitude of impending 

  earthquakes, G. J. Int. 180, 2, 858–870, 2010

Satellite observations

Parrot M., Statistical study of ELF/VLF emissions recorded by a low-altitude satellite during seismic

  events, J. Geophys. Res. 99, 23,339–23,347, 1994

Tramutoli V., Robust AVHRR Techniques (RAT) for Environmental Monitoring theory and

  applications, Earth Surf Remote Sens â…¡ 3496, 101-113, 1998

NÄ›mec F., Santolík O., Parrot M., Decrease of intensity of ELF/VLF waves observed in the upper

  ionosphere close to earthquakes: A statistical study, J. Geophys. Res. 114, A04303, 2009

Zhang X., Shen X., Parrot M., Zeren Z., Ouyang X., Liu J., Qian J., Zhao S., Miao Y., Phenomena of

  electrostatic perturbations before strong earthquakes (2005–2010) observed on DEMETER,

  NHESS 12, 75-83, 2012

CIEN Contributions:

The Science & 

Mathematics University

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