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Journal Publications about CIEN

Fidani C., D’Arcangelo S., De Santis A., Perrone L., Soldani M., Investigating a Possible Correlation between NOAA-SatelliteDetected Electron Precipitations and South Pacific Tectonic Events, Remote Sensing, 16, 1059, 2024.


Fidani C., The Conditional Probability of Correlating East Pacific Earthquakes with NOAA Electron Bursts, applied sciences, 12,
10528, 2022


Fidani C., Transfer Entropy of West Pacific Earthquakes to Inner Van Allen Belt Electron Bursts, Entropy, 24(3), 359, 2022.


Fidani C., West Pacific Earthquake Forecasting Using NOAA Electron Bursts With Independent L-Shells and Ground-Based Magnetic Correlations, Frontiers in Earth Science, section Environmental Informatics and Remote Sensing, 9:673105, 2021.


Fidani C., Orsini M., Iezzi G., Vicentini N., and Stoppa F., Electric and magnetic recordings by Chieti CIEN Station during the intense 2016–2017 seismic swarms in Central Italy, Frontiers in Earth Science, section Solid Earth Geophysics, 8:536332, 2020.


Fidani C., Probability, Causality and False Alarms Using Correlations Between Strong Earthquakes and NOAA High Energy Electron Bursts, Annals of Geophysics, Vol. 63, No. 5, PA543, 2020.


Fidani C., Improving Earthquake Forecasting by Correlations Between Strong Earthquakes and NOAA Electron Bursts, TAO, Vol. 29, No. 2, 117-130, 2018.


Fidani C., and Marcelli D., Ten Years of the Central Italy Electromagnetic Network (CIEN) Continuous Monitoring, Open Journal of Earthquake Research, 6, p. 73-88, 2017


Fidani C., Particle precipitation prior to large earthquakes of both the Sumatra and Philippine Regions: a statistical analysis, Journal of Asian Earth Science, 114, p. 384-392, 2015


Fidani C., and Martinelli G., A Possible Explanation for Electric Perturbations Recorded by the Italian CIEN Stations Before the 2012 Emilia Earthquakes, Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica Applicata, 56, n. 2, p. 211-226, June 2015


Fidani C., Freund F., and Grant R., Cows Come Down from the Mountains before the (Mw = 6.1) Earthquake Colfiorito in September 1997; a Single Case Study, Animals, 4, p. 292-312, 2014


De Liso G., Fidani C., and Viotto A., Multi-parametric monitoring system of associated seismic phenomenology and unusual animal behavior in Western Piedmont, Advances in Research, 2(6), p. 303-319, 2014


De Liso G., and Fidani C., Seismic Precursory Phenomenology in Unusual Animal Behaviour in Val Pellice, Western Piedmont, in Comparison with Anomalies of some physical Parameters, Open Journal of Earthquake Research, 3, p. 30-42, 2014


De Liso G., Fidani C., and Viotto A., Unusual animal behavior before earthquakes and multiple parameter monitoring in Western Piedmont, Earth Science, 3(1), p. 14-25, 2014


Fidani C., Biological Anomalies around the 2009 L’Aquila Earthquake, Animals, 3, p. 693-721, 2013


Zhang X., Fidani C., Huang J., Shen X., Zeren Z., and Qian J., Burst increases of precipitating electrons recorded by the DEMETER satellite before strong earthquakes, NHESS, n. 13, p. 197-209, 2013


Fidani C., Battiston R., Burger W., and Conti L., A study of NOAA particle flux sensitivity to solar activity and strategies to search for correlations among satellite data and earthquake phenomena, Int. J. Rem. Sensing, 33, n. 15, p. 4796-4814, 10 August 2012


Fidani C., Statistical and spectral properties of the L'Aquila EQL in 2009, Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica Applicata, 53, n. 1, p. 135-146, March 2012


Fidani C., The Central Italy Electromagnetic Network and the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake: observed electric activity, geosciences, 1, p. 3-25, December 2011


Fidani C., Battiston R., and Burger W., Searching a correlation between earthquakes and NOAA satellite energetic particle bursts, Remote Sensing, vol. 2, p. 2170-2184, 2010


Fidani C., The EQLs of the L'Aquila earthquake, April 6, 2009, NHESS, vol. 10, p. 967-978, 2010


Fidani C., and Battiston R., Analysis of NOAA particle data and correlations with seismic activity, NHESS, vol. 8, p. 1277-1291, 2008

Proceedings related to CIEN

Fidani C., Piscini A., Earthquake probability Gain by a combination of two or more electromagnetic observables, EMSEV, p. 34,
October 6-9, 2024


Fidani C., From electrical oscillations to ball lightning associated with strong earthquakes, EMSEV, p. 64, October 6-9, 2024


Fidani C., Piscini A., Calcara M., Cianchini G., Exploring the dynamic of earthquakes as complex fluid-related phenomena, 110th
CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SOCIETA' ITALIANA DI FISICA, Bologna, p. 76-77, September 9-13, 2024


Fidani C., Insights into risk communication from the analysis of earthquake light phenomena reports in Turkey and Morocco, 42th GNGTS session 2.3, Ferrara, p. 18-22, February 13-16, 2024

Cianchini G., Fidani C., Piscini A., Soldani M., De Santis A., Perrone L., Orlando M. and Sabbagh D., The audio and electrical monitoring of the Mefite area in ELF band, 42th GNGTS session 3.2, Ferrara, p. 38-42, February 13-16, 2024

Fidani C., Statistically interpreting multiple observations derived from one or more geophysical monitoring networks, 42th GNGTS session 2.1, Ferrara, p. 47-52, February 13-16, 2024

De Antoni G., Fidani C., Siciliani M. and Milan T., Radon observations during the November 14 Montelparo, M=4, and December 6 Allerona, M=3.6, earthquakes in 2023, 42th GNGTS session 2.1, Ferrara, p. 30-35, February 13-16, 2024

Fidani C., A statistical elaboration of multiple observations from a geophysical monitoring network, 109th CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SOCIETA' ITALIANA DI FISICA, Salerno, p. 245, September 11-15, 2023

Fidani C., A suitable time-dependent conditional probability for Pacific strong earthquakes, EGU, EGU23-852, April 23-28, 2023

Cianchini G., Fidani C., De Santis A., Perrone L., Piscini A., Soldani M., D’Arcangelo S., Nardi A., Orlando M. and Sabbagh D., A month of VLF detection at Mefite, Valle D’Ansanto, Italy, 41th GNGTS, Bologna, p. 508-515, February 7-9, 2023


Fidani C., De Santis A. and Perrone L., Correlation between Western Pacific earthquakes and NOAA electron bursts and their transfer entropy, 108th CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SOCIETA' ITALIANA DI FISICA, Milano, p. 266-267, Sep. 12-16, 2022


Fidani C., De Santis A., Perrone L., Campuzano S.A., Cianchini G., D'Arcangelo S., Nardi A., Orlando M., Piscini A., Sabbagh D. and Soldani M., Understanding the transfer entropy peak between West Pacific earthquakes and NOAA electron bursts, EMSEV-2022, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Aug. 22-26, 2022 (invited)


Fidani C., De Santis A. and Perrone L., Probability, correlation, and transfer entropy between Western Pacific earthquakes and NOAA electron bursts, 40th GNGTS, Trieste, p. 1-4, June 27-29, 2022


Fidani C., De Antoni G., Milan T. and Siciliani T., An update of the Central Italy Electromagnetic Network with Radon detectors, 40th GNGTS, Trieste, p. 47-51, June 9-12, 2022


Fidani C., Forecasting probability for strong earthquakes by single and multiple geophysical measurements on the Earth's surface
and from space
, 39th GNGTS, online. 41-46, June 22-24, 2021.


Fidani C. and Siciliani M., Characterization of VLF/LF signatures related to severe weather and strong earthquakes for geohazard
risk reduction
, 39th GNGTS, online. 47-51, June 22-24, 2021.


Fidani C. and Orsini M., The magnetic network of CIEN detecting ELF pulses, 38th GNGTS, Roma. 1-4 Nov. 12-14, 2019


Fidani C., Air ions associated to the electric oscillations recorded by CIEN, 38th GNGTS, Roma. 9-12 Nov. 12-14, 2019


Fidani C., Oscillating charged clouds revealed by the Central Italy Electromagnetic Network as a common atmospheric phenomena, 105th CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SOCIETA' ITALIANA DI FISICA, L'Aquila, p. 56, Sep. 23-27, 2019


Fidani C., From the Bayes theorem to a model of the geomagnetic interaction between strong earthquakes in the Indonesian archipelagoes and particle data detected by NOAA satellites, 105th CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SOCIETA' ITALIANA DI FISICA, L'Aquila, p. 167, Sep. 23-27, 2019


Fidani C., An electric cloud model verify for the electric oscillations recorded by CIEN during intense seismic swarms, 37th GNGTS, Bologna. 64-67, Nov. 19-21, 2018


Fidani C. and Orsini M., A ground distributed electric current to model magnetic pulses recorded by CIEN during strong seismic activity, 37th GNGTS, Bologna. 67-69 Nov. 19-21, 2018


Fidani C., Forecasting probability and false alarms for strong earthquakes by a causal model of high energy electron disturbances into the ionosphere, 37th GNGTS, Bologna. 70-73 Nov. 19-21, 2018


Marcelli D. and Fidani C., Risultati e proposte della Rete Elettromagnetica dell'Italia Centrale, 1° CONVEGNO NAZIONALE “ PRECURSORI SISMICI ED ELETTROMAGNETICI”, Portici - Napoli, September 21, 2018


Fidani C., Charged oscillating clouds revealed by electric sensors during strong seismic and meteorological activities, 104th CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SOCIETA' ITALIANA DI FISICA, Arcavacata di Rende - Cosenza, 179-180, Sep. 17-21, 2018


Fidani C., Correlations between VAB electron loss detected by NOAA and strong seismic activity used to improve forecasting of M ≥ 6 earthquakes, EMSEV2018, Potenza. 124-127, Sep. 17-21, 2018


Orsini M. and Fidani C., Modelling magnetic pulse swarms that anticipated the 2016 Norcia, and 2017 Capitignano, Central Italy earthquakes, EMSEV2018, Potenza. 87-89, Sep. 17-21, 2018


Fidani C., An electric cloud model for the signals recorded in Central Italy during intense seismic swarms, EMSEV2018, Potenza. 68-71, Sep. 17-21, 2018


Fidani C., Probability and strong earthquakes from low earth orbit satellites, 36th GNGTS, Trieste. 311-314, Nov. 14-16, 2017


Fidani C., Electricity perturbations observed around the October 30, 2016 Norcia earthquake, M = 6.5, 36th GNGTS, Trieste. 314-316, Nov. 14-16, 2017


Orsini M. and Fidani C., Magnetic perturbations observed around the October 30, 2016 Norcia earthquake, M = 6.5, 36th GNGTS, Trieste. 316-318 Nov. 14-16, 2017


Brucolini A., Fidani C., Sdei L., Frontini N., Bertucci A. and Santoni D., Geophysical related monitoring at GEA Observatory, 36th GNGTS, Trieste. 319-321, Nov. 14-16, 2017


Fidani C., Further developments on correlations between strong earthquakes and NOAA electron bursts from space, 35th GNGTS, Lecce, p. 286-289, Nov. 22-24, 2016


Fidani C., The Central Italy Electromagnetic Network (CIEN) ten years after the beginning of continuous monitoring, 35th GNGTS, Lecce, p. 289-293, Nov. 22-24, 2016


Fidani C., Strong Earthquakes in Indonesia and Philippines warned in advance from Space, ESC2016, Trieste, Italy, September 4-11, 2016


Fidani C., Ten years of electromagnetic recordings by the Central Italy Electromagnetic Network (CIEN), ESC2016, Trieste, Italy, September 4-11, 2016


Fidani C., Forecasting Strong Earthquakes in Indonesia and Philippines from Space, BSS16, Trieste, Italy, June 27-July 1, 2016


Fidani C., A Statistical Correlation Between Low L-shell Electrons Measured by NOAA Satellites and Strong Earthquakes, AGU, San Francisco, California, NH21C-1843, December 14-18, 2015


Fidani C., Probability of earthquake occurrence from electric anomalies recorded by CIEN, 34th GNGTS, Trieste, p. 11-15, Nov. 17-19, 2015


Fidani C., Positive Correlation between Strong Indonesian and Philippine Region Earthquakes and NOAA Satellite Low L-shell Electron Bursts, 33th GNGTS, Bologna, p. 27-34, Nov. 25-27, 2014


Siciliani M., Fidani C., Marcelli D., Arcaleni M. and Tardioli S., Electrical oscillations recorded by CIEN stations at time of two seismic swarms in the Umbria Region, Central Italy, in 2013-2014, 33th GNGTS, Bologna, p. 87-92 , Nov. 25-27, 2014


Fidani C., I fenomeni elettrici di origine sismica e meteorologica, indicazioni sulla pericolosità dei fenomeni naturali, Festival della Complessità, Chieti, p.46, July 4-6, 2014


Fidani C., La Rete Elettromagnetica dell'Italia Centrale, Atti del convegno su Sismicità, gas Radon, elettromagnetismo, radioattività, reti di monitoraggio ufficiali e amatoriali, stato dell'arte nella ricerca dei segnali possibili precursori sismici, Pozzuolo del Friuli, p. 51-61, April 24-26, 2014


Siciliani M., Fidani C., Stoppa F., Iezzi G., Arcaleni M., Tardioli S. and Marcelli D., Electromagnetic perturbations associated with M = 5, July 21, 2013, Ancona, Italy earthquake observed by CIEN, 32th GNGTS, Trieste, p. 66-70, Nov. 19-21, 2013


de Liso G., Fidani C. and Viotto A., Multiple parameter monitoring and seismic precursory phenomenology in unusual animal behaviour in western Piedmont, 32th GNGTS, Trieste, p. 60-66, Nov. 19-21, 2013


Fidani C., Freund F. and Grant R., Unusual Behaviour of cows prior to a large earthquake, EGU, Vol. 15, EGU2013-13865, 2013


Fidani C., ELF signals from the Central Italy Electromagnetic Network (CIEN) at the time of the 2012 Emilia-Romagna earthquakes, EGU, Vol. 15, EGU2013-680, 2013


Fidani C., Albarello D., Arcaleni M., Martinelli G., Siciliani M., Tardioli S. and Vannucchi A., Emilia earthquake: VLF transmitters and ELF signal from the Central Italy Electromagnetic Network (CIEN), 31th GNGTS, Potenza, p. 415-420, Nov. 20-22, 2012


Zhang X. and Fidani C., Particle bursts and strong earthquakes from the DEMETER satellite, 31th GNGTS, Potenza, p. 409-415, Nov. 20-22, 2012


Zhang X., Fidani C., Huang J. and Shen X., Precipitation of high energy particles recorded by DEMETER satellite before strong earthquakes, AGU, San Francisco, California, NH23A-1549, December 5-9, 2011


Stoppa F., Iezzi G., Fidani C., Orsini M., Brobovlsky V. S., Giuliani G. and Morrone M., Deterministic Earthquake assessment by electromagnetic signals, 30th GNGTS, Trieste, p. 402-405, Nov. 14-17, 2011


Fidani C., Central Italy Electromagnetic Network (CIEN), 30th GNGTS, Trieste, p. 365-368, Nov. 14-17, 2011


C. Fidani, Particle precipitation-earthquake correlations and the Central Italy electromagnetic network, 1th SAGA-4-EPR, INGV
Rome, October 29, 2010


Fidani C., Battiston R. and Burger W. J., Correlations between NOAA satellite particle bursts and strong earthquakes, 29th GNGTS, Prato, p. 179-182, Oct. 28-30, 2010


Fidani C., ELF signals by Central Italy electromagnetic network in 2008-2010, 29th GNGTS, Prato, p. 175-179, Oct. 28-30, 2010


Fidani C., ELF signals and EQLs in Central Italy in 2009, EGU, Vol. 12, EGU2010-9167, 2010


Battiston R. and Fidani C., Correlations between NOAA satellite particle bursts and strong earthquakes, EGU, Vol. 12, EGU2010-9093, 2010


Fidani C., Luminous and other non-seismic phenomena associated to the April 6, 2009, L'Aquila earthquake, 28th GNGTS, Trieste, p. 373-375, Nov. 16-19, 2009


Fidani C., Electromagnetic signals recorded by Perugia and S. Procolo (Fermo) stations before the L'Aquila earthquakes, 28th GNGTS, Trieste, p. 370-373, Nov. 16-19, 2009


Battiston R. and Fidani C., Searching for correlation between NOAA particle data and seismic activity, EGU, Vol.10, EGU2008-A-11194, 2008


Fidani C., On Electromagnetic Precursors of Earthquakes: Models and Instruments, IPHW Conference, 17 June, Medicina, Bologna, p. 25-41, 2006

Books related to CIEN

Fidani C., in Italian, Ipotesi sulle anomalie elettromagnetiche associate ai terremoti, ISBN: 88-87182-08-6, L'Aquila, Libreria Universitaria Benedetti Ed., 300 pp., July 2005

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