Charged Clouds
Schumann Resonances are usually well above the noise level during a stable weather period and can be detected in a
section of the spectrogram, as shown in the middle of three parts in the picture below. The transfer function of the system constituted by the amplifier and the sound card is applied to compensate for the low-frequency attenuation. The resulting
power spectrum is plotted on the right of the picture, where the correct power spectrum is associated with each natural resonance electric field amplitude. In this way, with a set of well-known amplitude points in the spectrum, it is possible to calibrate the whole range.
The electric field amplitudes of the Schumann Resonances reach 0.1 mV/m and are vertical fields, being so, they can be expressed by capacitive induction on electrodes and produce an induced potential of 7.8 μV for the first Resonance. To evaluate the sources of the electric oscillations, in yellow, it is important to remember that they almost always appear on one wire of a station. The single oscillations were uncorrelated in time among the CIEN stations, although, a general recurrence of oscillations was observed over identical periods on many occasions. Furthermore, oscillations were rarely observed simultaneously from different wires of the same station and always these simultaneous signals are of different spectral shapes, intensities, and duration while their frequencies are similar. Being so, confirming the prevalent local occurrence of the possible electric source (see, Fidani and Martinelli, 2015 and Fidani and Marcelli, 2017).
Finally, electric oscillations are phenomena
limited in time, 1 minute to 4 hours, and
having a frequency range, 20 Hz to 450 Hz.
Together with the evidence that sources of
oscillations of the electric field were
localized near the stations, and occurred
with thunderstorms i.e. in the presence of
air ions. Then, a model for a spherically
symmetric and dynamically stable structure
by balancing electrostatic forces with air
pressure (Tennakone, 2011), has been
proposed to interpret the observed electric
oscillations. A charge distribution which is
compatible with the mathematical solution
of a pulsating sphere is
having a positive density charge shown with
the grey scale on the right, where the white
center corresponds to the highest positive
density charge. The total internal charge is
and the consequent oscillation frequency is
for the center sphere pressure the normal atmospheric pressure. The resulting internal total charge is Q = 2.3 10^(-4) C → 1.4 10^(-5) C, and the sphere diameter 6 ro = 108 cm → 27 cm, for f = 50 → 200 Hz.
Referring to the picture on the right, the average induced electrode potential :
requires charged spherical densities to have their center at about r = 10 - 12 m from
the electrode tip, based on the electric oscillation amplitudes.
The retrieved induced potential Vo in the electrode L is shown with respect to the
distance r and the oscillation frequencies f on the left. The set of possible solutions
for cloud distances and frequencies is evidenced in yellow on the contour plot of
potentials shown below. Based on this model, it is demonstrated that the electrodes
are completely surrounded by negative charge density (see Fidani, 2020).
Such symmetric structures, which oscillate radially, also create very small magnetic
fields at a certain distance, due to the symmetry. In a perfectly symmetric charge
distribution, the only direction that an electric field, magnetic field, and radiation field
can point to is radially outward from the center of the sphere. However, in a radiation
field, the electric and magnetic fields must be transverse to the direction of motion,
so this system also will not produce any radiation or have a magnetic field. And in fact, no magnetic field variations were recorded during the numerous electric oscillations registered at all the CIEN stations.