Cristiano Fidani PhD
CF is an independent researcher who deals with the physics of earthquakes. In addition to some seismic aspects, he is particularly interested in the electromagnetic phenomena that occur with strong earthquakes. To this end, he built a continuous monitoring network for electrical and magnetic signals and continues updating it with new tools to carry out a multi-parameter study. Related to the ionosphere he has analyzed the high energy particle precipitation detected by the NOAA satellites, highlighting a statistically significant correlation with seismic phenomena.

1990 - 1996
Camerino University - Degree in Physics
Quantum signal-to-noise ratio in optical transmission lines.
1999 - 2002
Camerino University - Ph.D. in Physics
Quantum error probability in non-linear optical transmission lines.
Particle loss from the Van Allen Belts
The link between the ionosphere and the earth's surface phenomena.
Magnetic Pulses
Physical models of ULF and ELF pulses related to the earthquake preparation.
Atmospheric Electric Fields and Air Ions
Physical models of ELF electrical sources and VLF propagation.
2006 - 2011
National Institute of Nuclear Physics - Post Doc
Statistical analysis of NOAA particle data, geomagnetic and seismic activities.
Earthquake Macroscopic Phenomena
Earthquake lights, roaring noises, migration of fluids and animal behavior.